MiFID 2 place sous le régime des incitations la perception de services et matériels de recherche, ceci imposant de revoir en profondeur la relation commerciale entre les fournisseurs et leurs clients. Afin d’aider leurs adhérents resp...
L'AMAFI publie la nouvelle édition de son baromètre de la fiscalité de l'épargne : Etat des lieux 2017 et projections 2018 (AMAFI / 17-65).
Once again this year, AMAFI organised a series of meetings in Washington on behalf of the European Forum of Securities Associations (EFSA). Meetings were held with various US and international financial institutions and authorities, including the US Treasury, Cong...
Acting chiefly through its Corporate Finance Committee, AMAFI is keeping close tabs on work being done to revise the Prospectus Directive. Following a legislative process that resulted in the publication in June of the new Prospectus Regulation, some of whose prov...
At the end of July, AMAFI sent the European Banking Authority (EBA) a position paper (AMAFI / 17-54) on the new prudential regime for investment firms. It was responding to a presentation made by EBA at a public hearing in late July at which the authority describe...
On 16 June, AMAFI published an update of the AMAFI-FBF guide to systems to prevent market abuse (AMAFI / 17-40), which incorporates the new framework established by the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR). The update, which was led by a specially created group within th...
In July, European institutions published two documents on the PRIIPs framework. The European Commission released guidelines providing Level 1 clarification, while the European Supervisory Authorities published a Q&A to specify some of the provisions contained...
L’AMAFI met à la disposition de ses adhérents l’European MiFID Template (EMT), un fichier d’échanges de données standardisées requises dans le cadre de MIF 2. Ce document est le fruit de travaux menés par...
On July 4, AMAFI organised a conference on MIFiD 2 : six months before its entry into force For further information contact : [email protected]